Vote Of Thanks Speech Pdf


Vote of Thanks for Chief Whip Cllr Stanley Xulu at the HIV and Taxi Industry Colloquium, 14 October 2015 Page 3 We also aim to have 90 percent and more people who are infected to be cured in relation to TB. Ninety percent and more people who are HIV positive must have a viral suppression or undetectable viral load. VOTE OF THANKS BY HONOURABLE PETER SHIVUTE, CHIEF JUSTICE OF NAMIBIA, AT THE CONFERENCE OF SOUTHEREN AFRICAN CHIEF JUSTICES FORUM, KASANE, BOTSWANA: 7-8 AUGUST 2009 I stand before you with a deep sense of honour, privilege and humility, to express, on behalf of my colleagues, the Chief Justices.

A vote of thanks is a speech in which the speaker formally thanks a person or group such as a host, organizer, participants and the gathering for the ceremony, i.e. Chief Guest, Chairman, Teachers & Audience!

It is a crucial part of each and every event or ceremony; it dramatically impacts the function.

For the first time speaker, it’s a bit tricky job and sometimes they get nervous about the speech, here we will learn ‘how to deliver a successful gratitude speech.

Vote of thanks speech for a farewell:

Good evening to the honourable chief guest, respected principal, invited chief guest, teachers and my dear students.

First of all, I would like to thank the Principal Madam, you gave me an opportunity to speak on this auspicious occasion, and it is a matter of honour for me.

On behalf of the entire institute, I would like to thanks the honourable chief guest, because school program can be complete without your presence and inspiring words.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the guests present today.

I would also like to thanks the student committee and thesupport staff, for the complete preparation of this farewell program, you gotjust two days’ time.

In this such a short time, you have made the bestarrangements for this program, thank you wholeheartedly.

I have also obligated to the parents present here, yourparticipation and suggestions always help us.

Finally, I would like to say,

GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha,

Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.


Vote of thanks speech for the national-level academic conference:

Honourable Chief Guest, Present Excellencies, Teachers andmy dear Friends.

I thanks school/college/university for giving me theopportunity to express my gratitude on this special day.

It is the biggest day in the history of our university,today we have hosted the biggest education conference in India.

More than 300 representatives and more than 700 colleges and universities participating in this ceremony, this is a huge success in itself.

On behalf of the University Education Council, I express myheartfelt thanks to my Chief Guest, Union Minister of Education, Mr XYZ.

I would like to thanks all the respected representatives who have blessed us with their presence.

I would like to thanks the organizing team, teachers andstaff members.

I would also like to thanks our transport and accommodationteam; without you, this council would not have been possible. Thank you verymuch once again.

I would also like tothanks my digital partner XYZ Entertainment, radio partner 93.5, hospitalitypartner Brijesh Hotel, news partner Janata News.

Finally, I once again thank the Union Minister of Education,respected representatives and officials of participating colleges anduniversities; Thanks again for making this conference a success.

Vote of thanks for a function in school:

I convey my best wishes to the honourable chief guest,respected Chairman, beloved principal, teachers, parents and my dear friends.

I, ____________ the Students of ____________ consider theoccasion as an honor and privilege to extend the Vote of Thanks.

Once a great man whispered, “Feeling thankfulness andnot expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

Today, I take the opportunity to put all my gratitude intowords.

On behalf of the school management and all the students Iwould like to thanks our chief guest _____________for taking his precious timeout and consenting to be the Chief Guest. Sir, indeed you’re words haveinspired the students.

I thanks our Respected Chairman ___________ who graced uswith his presence and guidance. Thank you, sir, for sharing with us your wordsof wisdom.

We have been fortunate to be assisted by our principal___________. You have been a constant support and you have given us a lot ofencouragement. Thank you, Ma’am.

I thanks all the parents for their presence this morning.You always help us in carrying out such important events.

Last but not least, I thank you all the students for showingtheir interest in the program. I once again thanks everyone for making thisprogram successful.

Vote of thanks speech for the seminar:

Good evening everyone, I am honoured and lucky to have theopportunity to give a vote of thanks on this special day.

I particularly liked Mr Sharma speeches, where he mentioned the need for digital education in this seminar, the way in which he explained this subject was extra-ordinary.

I would like to thanks all those organizing teams, teachersand staff members.

Vote Of Thanks Speech Pdf

I must not forget to thanks the volunteers and the studentteams who contributed to organizing this conference until the last days of theweek.

Finally, I again want to thanks the Principal, respectedChairman and Trustees for participating in this seminar.

I would like to thank you again for making this event a success.

Vote of Thanks speech for last day in the office:

My greetings to all of you, I am feeling very happy and alsovery sad for goodbye to you today.

Goodbye is always tough, 17 years of service in my _______company has been a very memorable journey.

I have met many great people like our boss Mr Suresh, mycolleagues Mangesh, Mr Praveen, Mr Vasant, etc.

I never thought of how good the last days in this company would be for me and I am thankful to all of you for love.

I would like to thanks my boss Shri Venugopalraoji forguiding me in all my work. He never made me feel that we are his employees andhe is our boss.

I will always remember my colleagues as a courageous andfriendly leader. I just want to say one thing to all of you, you guys made mefeel like I am here in my house.

Thank you so much for that. I could have sent an email to myoffice on the last day, but it might not have been enough for the beauty of theceremony.

Thank you so much to my co-workers, my friends, staff and boss for hosting this beautiful farewell for me here on my last day.

It is very difficult for me to leave this company becausefor 17 years this company, office, colleagues had become a part of my life.

I cannot tell you how happy I am right now to receive thislong service award. I will always treasure the memories here in this office andcompany.

Thank you very much to all of you.

Gratitude Speech for Independence Day:

On this auspicious day of Independence Day / Republic Day, I feel extremely proud to have the opportunity to give a vote of thanks speech on behalf of my school/college/office/company.

I feel very proud to be born in India and as a responsiblecitizen, as an Indian, it is our duty that we should celebrate such a gloriousday.

I want to thanks all of you for being part of theIndependence Day / Republic Day celebrations and for glorifying the day.

I would like to thanks our Principal / Head of Department /Boss for such a beautiful event.

Special thanks to the organizing team, students, volunteers,and this ceremony could not have been successful without them.

I would like to thank you all very much. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!





Vote of thanks speech must be at the end of the function, it must be small in which you must thank the chief guest, principal, teachers, volunteers, audience and sponsors, etc.

Vote of thanks

The term ‘vote of thanks’ is commonly used in schools, colleges, offices, and other such institutions or organizations during formal occasions. Before writing on this topic, it is important to understand what exactly it means and encompasses. The Cambridge Dictionary defines a vote of thanks as: “an act of formally and publicly thanking a person or organisation for something they have done”. However, this is by no means an exhaustive definition, the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary also adds the aspect of the speaker asking other people to join him/her in thanking the concerned individual/organisation.

Thus, in simple words, a vote of thanks is a very specialized type of speech wherein the speaker thanks an individual or organisation for something they have done. The subsequent paragraphs will deal with writing a convincing and well-formed speech.

How to write a Vote of Thanks

This type of speech always serves as a sort of epilogue rather than the main body of the programme. Thus, you should take care to ensure that it is not too long, 3 – 4 minutes is long enough. You may also quote or mention a specific action or part of the speech which you may have related to. Be sure to mention how the individual’s/organisation’s work benefitted your institution. You may state your hope and belief that the concerned individual/organisation and your organisation retain good ties in the future.

Vote Of Thanks Speech Pdf Sample

You may also thank the head of your organisation for the opportunities derived from the association with the concerned individual/organisation. Most votes of thanks end by thanking the concerned individual/organisation once again for their contribution.

Vote Of Thanks Speech Pdf Outline

Thus, the important things to keep in mind while writing this speech are:

  • Keep it between 2 – 4 minutes.
  • Mention specific work (if thanking for service) or quotes (if thanking for a speech) that were relatable to you.
  • Be sure to mention any work by the individual/organisation that benefitted your organisation, then thank them for it.
  • State your hope and belief that the concerned individual/organisation and your organisation will continue to enjoy cordial relations in the future.
  • Thank the head of your institution for the opportunity of speaking on behalf of your organisation.

If you follow the above instructions, you cannot go wrong while preparing your vote of thanks speech.

Vote of Thanks Speech Samples

On average, your speech should be between 220 – 450 words, however, there are no rules set in stone. In some situations, the length and content of your speech can vary. Many experts recommend adapting the speech to the situation in hand, not only the event itself, but also the mood of the audience.

#1. Vote of thanks for Independence Day (Credits:

Best Vote Of Thanks Speech Pdf

#2. Vote of thanks to a speaker (Credits:

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#3. Vote of thanks to an organization (Credits:

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